Don't Let Pain Turn into Hate

Mar 6 2019

Pain, but I won’t let it turn into hate No, I won’t let it change me

— Youth, by Shawn Mendes ft. Khalid

Most, if not all, humans carry pain of some kind. One of the dangerous things about pain is that it is prone to turning into hate. If the feelings of pain over time are not kept in check, they can stealthily transform into hate. Hate is the most negative sort of energy you can possess or give off. Carrying feelings of hate puts you at risk of making bad decisions that can be damaging to yourself and the world.

While the ideal way to live would be to let go of pain, it can be a difficult thing to do. If you carry pain and simply cannot seem to let go of it, either try harder or perhaps, accept it. Accepting means being okay with the emotion of pain and moving on with your life. If you accept pain, it may fade away over time, healing you eventually. However, if you let it go unchecked and nurture it into toxic feelings of hate, a downward spiral leading nowhere but to an abyss will await you.

Humans wreak havoc on themselves and the world when they foster hate within themselves. Hate is a virus. It has the power to spread fast and wide. People carrying pain or a narrow-minded outlook on life are less immune to hate. The only antidotes to hate are love and forgiveness. If you practice love and forgiveness or read about it or fill your daily life with things or people that evoke these two godsend emotions, you’re effectively immunizing yourself against hate.

Most of us have been guilty of feeling the emotion of hate at some point in our lives, even if for a fleeting moment. When you experience that emotion, observe it and then, let go of it instantly, for your own sake. Better yet, try to understand what made you feel that way, and if it was pain, which will most certainly be the case, try to see if you can let go of that as well. Hate can never conquer hate - this is the universal truth. As long as humans keep making the mistake of not accepting this universal truth, there will be a great many obstacles to achieving world peace.