In the elevator

Jul 30 2015

I met a man in the elevator today who is about to get married. Today is his wedding day. He doesn’t look very happy. He says he has butterflies in his stomach.

What should I have said to him? Would it be a lie to say that he’ll be fine? Would it be right to ask if he wants to do it? There’s a 99% chance he won’t have the balls to back out if it’s not. It’s just too late.

Or should he be told to man up and take the risk, because the fun in life is exploring uncharted territories, not knowing what’s on the other side (this is especially true for arranged marriages in India). But that can have two outcomes..

It was an interesting dilemma for a moment. Then, all I said was “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine” because he was probably just a little nervous that’s all.

And this is such a random post which I don’t know why I decided to publish.

(This happened earlier this year in India. I found this note lying around in some archives).