5 things on my wishlist

Mar 4 2014

These are things I really want but don’t see myself building — thus, a wishlist.

  1. A cheap (sub $20) app to collect snapshots of web pages: Sort of like LittleSnapper or Ember (which I think is way more expensive than it should be). It should have a colour eyedropper and should let you take full-page snapshots of web pages. It would really aid my design inspiration workflow. If it can add background layer graphics such as an iMac/iPhone/Android to the snapshots (to help visualization or making portfolios), that would be the cherry on top.
  2. A Saavn desktop app: Saavn has become an indispensable music app for Indians around the world. It should have a desktop version with the ability to play/pause music on devices running Saavn under the same account on the same wifi network, just like the Rdio desktop app which I also love.
  3. A Gmail desktop app with Priority Inbox support: A simple no-bullshit client that’s not buggy and supports all the Gmail smart folders stuff.
  4. Cheap shipping of US products to Canada: I’m going to be in Canada soon and going to miss buying American stuff and getting it shipped to me for free or really cheap. Amazon Prime is awesome but the selection of products on the Canadian store is quite limited.
  5. Easy lending of e-books: My reading list is increasing by the day (by the hour sometimes), but I don’t want to pay around 15 bucks a piece for buying an e-book on my current “startup budget”. I’ve found that my friends with Kindles already have some of the books on my list. Amazon should make it easier to lend books. Maybe they should partner with more libraries. I like how Netflix has approached this — they encourage sharing. Lending and sharing of books is a very very old tradition and has been a significant factor in burgeoning worldwide the culture of reading.